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Top 3 YouTube channels to learn Excel for free

Excel is immensely important due to its versatility and widespread usage in various industries. It allows efficient data organization, analysis, and visualization. With Excel, you can create budgets, track expenses, and manage financial data accurately. It simplifies complex calculations, saving time and reducing errors. Excel's powerful formulas and functions enable data manipulation and forecasting, aiding in decision-making processes. It facilitates creating professional-looking charts and graphs to visually represent information. Excel is essential for project management, inventory tracking, and sales analysis. It enhances productivity and collaboration by enabling data sharing and integration with other software. Overall, Excel's significance lies in its ability to streamline tasks, improve efficiency, and empower data-driven insights.

Here are 3 top excel channels to learn :-


Chandoo, run by Purna Duggirala (aka Chandoo), is widely regarded as one of the best channels to learn Excel. Here are some reasons why Chandoois highly recommended:

1). Comprehensive Tutorials: Chandoo offers a vast collection of tutorials covering various aspects of Excel. From basic functions to advanced techniques, you'll find step-by-step guidance on a wide range of topics.

2). Practical Approach: Chandoo focuses on practical applications of Excel in real-life scenarios. The tutorials provide hands-on examples and showcase how to use Excel effectively for data analysis, reporting, and decision-making.

3). Beginner-Friendly Content: caters to Excel learners of all levels. The channel is known for its beginner-friendly approach, ensuring that even those new to Excel can grasp the concepts easily.

4). Well-Structured Content: The tutorials on are well-organized and easy to follow. The content is presented in a logical sequence, allowing learners to progress at their own pace and build a strong foundation.

5). Innovative and Creative Techniques: Chandoo often shares innovative Excel techniques and creative solutions to common challenges. This helps users expand their Excel skills beyond the basics and discover new ways to accomplish tasks efficiently.

6). Engaging Presentation Style: Chandoo's teaching style is engaging, with clear explanations and demonstrations. The tutorials are delivered in a conversational manner, making them enjoyable to watch and learn from.

7). Active Community and Forum: hosts a vibrant community of Excel enthusiasts. The website features a forum where users can ask questions, seek guidance, and share their Excel experiences. This interactive platform fosters a sense of community and support among learners.

8). Additional Resources and Templates: In addition to the YouTube channel, offers downloadable resources, templates, and sample files. These valuable assets complement the tutorials and provide practical tools that learners can use in their Excel projects.

9). Extensive Excel Blog: Chandoo runs an extensive Excel blog, featuring articles, tips, and tricks related to Excel. The blog covers various Excel topics, addressing common challenges and providing insights into advanced Excel functionalities.

10). Long-standing Reputation: has been a trusted resource for Excel learning since its inception. Over the years, it has gained a strong following and earned a reputation for delivering high-quality content that consistently helps learners improve their Excel skills.

These factors contribute to being considered one of the best channels to learn Excel. Its comprehensive tutorials, practical approach, and engaging teaching style make it a go-to resource for Excel enthusiasts at all skill levels.



While there are numerous channels that offer valuable Excel tutorials, the reputation and qualities of specific channels may vary depending on individual preferences. Regarding the channel "MyBigGuide," here are some reasons why it may be considered as a good Excel channel:

1). Extensive Content Library: MyBigGuide provides a wide range of tutorials and guides on Excel, covering various topics and functionalities. The channel offers a comprehensive collection of videos to cater to users with different skill levels and learning needs.

2). User-Friendly Instruction: The tutorials on MyBigGuide are designed to be user-friendly, focusing on delivering information in a clear and straightforward manner. The instructions aim to make Excel concepts and techniques easily understandable, particularly for beginners.

3). Step-by-Step Demonstrations: The channel often presents step-by-step demonstrations of Excel functions, formulas, and features. This approach allows viewers to follow along and implement what they learn in real-time, enhancing the learning experience.

4). Practical Applications: MyBigGuide emphasizes practical applications of Excel. The tutorials often demonstrate how to use Excel effectively for real-life scenarios, such as data analysis, budgeting, and project management. This practical approach helps viewers understand the relevance and usefulness of Excel in different contexts.

5). Supportive Community: MyBigGuide has cultivated an active and supportive community of learners. The comment section of their videos often fosters discussions, allowing viewers to ask questions, share insights, and learn from each other's experiences.

6). Regular Updates: The channel consistently uploads new content, ensuring that viewers have access to a steady stream of tutorials and tips. This commitment to regular updates demonstrates the channel's dedication to providing ongoing support and learning resources.

7). Language Accessibility: MyBigGuide offers tutorials primarily in Hindi, making it a valuable resource for Hindi-speaking viewers seeking Excel guidance in their native language. Providing tutorials in different languages increases accessibility and helps cater to diverse audiences.



Simplilearn is a well-known online learning platform that offers various courses, including Excel. While Simplilearn provides comprehensive learning materials, it's primarily recognized for its courses and training programs rather than a dedicated YouTube channel focused solely on Excel. However, if Simplilearn has an official YouTube channel dedicated to Excel, here are some reasons why it may be considered beneficial:

1). Expert-Led Training: Simplilearn's Excel tutorials are led by industry experts with extensive experience in the field. These experts provide in-depth knowledge, insights, and practical tips to help learners master Excel effectively.

2). Structured Curriculum: Simplilearn's tutorials likely follow a well-structured curriculum, guiding learners through different Excel concepts and features systematically. The step-by-step approach ensures a clear learning progression and builds a solid foundation of Excel skills.

3). Variety of Topics: The Excel tutorials on Simplilearn's YouTube channel may cover a wide range of topics, including basic functions, advanced formulas, data analysis, reporting, and automation. This comprehensive coverage allows learners to explore various aspects of Excel.

4). Hands-On Exercises: Simplilearn often incorporates hands-on exercises and practical examples into their tutorials. This interactive approach allows learners to apply what they've learned, reinforcing their understanding of Excel concepts through real-world scenarios.

5). Community Support: Simplilearn fosters a learning community where learners can interact, ask questions, and seek guidance from instructors and fellow students. This sense of community support can be beneficial for learners seeking additional assistance or clarification.

6). Professional Production Quality: As a reputable online learning platform, Simplilearn's tutorials likely have high production quality. Well-edited videos with clear visuals, graphics, and demonstrations enhance the learning experience and make complex Excel concepts easier to comprehend.

7). Supplemental Learning Resources: Alongside their YouTube channel, Simplilearn may provide additional learning resources such as downloadable files, practice exercises, and quizzes. These resources can further enhance the learning process and reinforce knowledge retention.

It's worth noting that the availability and quality of Simplilearn's Excel tutorials on their YouTube channel may vary. It's recommended to explore their channel, assess the content, and read reviews or feedback from other learners to determine if it aligns with your specific learning goals and preferences.

